本文共 17685 字,大约阅读时间需要 58 分钟。
A、准备客户端上下文B、创建msp客户端C、注册用户D、注册用户使用示例:ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}username := randomUsername()enrollmentSecret, err := c.Register(&RegistrationRequest{Name: username})if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Register return error %s\n", err) return}err = c.Enroll(username, WithSecret(enrollmentSecret))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err) return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed
var ( // ErrUserNotFound indicates the user was not found ErrUserNotFound = errors.New("user not found"))type AffiliationInfo struct { Name string Affiliations []AffiliationInfo Identities []IdentityInfo}
type AffiliationRequest struct { // 附属名称 Name string // Creates parent affiliations if they do not exist Force bool // CA名称 CAName string}
type AffiliationResponse struct { AffiliationInfo CAName string}
type Attribute struct { Name string Value string ECert bool}
type AttributeRequest struct { Name string Optional bool}
// IdentityManager provides management of identities in a Fabric networktype IdentityManager interface { GetSigningIdentity(name string) (msp.SigningIdentity, error) CreateSigningIdentity(ops ...msp.SigningIdentityOption) (msp.SigningIdentity, error)}// RegistrationRequest defines the attributes required to register a user with the CAtype RegistrationRequest struct { // Name is the unique name of the identity Name string // Type of identity being registered (e.g. "peer, app, user") Type string // MaxEnrollments is the number of times the secret can be reused to enroll. // if omitted, this defaults to max_enrollments configured on the server MaxEnrollments int // The identity's affiliation e.g. org1.department1 Affiliation string // Optional attributes associated with this identity Attributes []Attribute // CAName is the name of the CA to connect to CAName string // Secret is an optional password. If not specified, // a random secret is generated. In both cases, the secret // is returned from registration. Secret string}// IdentityRequest represents the request to add/update identity to the fabric-ca-servertype IdentityRequest struct { // The enrollment ID which uniquely identifies an identity (required) ID string // The identity's affiliation (required) Affiliation string // Array of attributes to assign to the user Attributes []Attribute // Type of identity being registered (e.g. 'peer, app, user'). Default is 'user'. Type string // The maximum number of times the secret can be reused to enroll (default CA's Max Enrollment) MaxEnrollments int // The enrollment secret. If not provided, a random secret is generated. Secret string // Name of the CA to send the request to within the Fabric CA server (optional) CAName string}// IdentityResponse is the response from the any read/add/modify/remove identity calltype IdentityResponse struct { // The enrollment ID which uniquely identifies an identity ID string // The identity's affiliation Affiliation string // Array of attributes assigned to the user Attributes []Attribute // Type of identity (e.g. 'peer, app, user') Type string // The maximum number of times the secret can be reused to enroll MaxEnrollments int // The enrollment secret Secret string // Name of the CA CAName string}type RemoveIdentityRequest struct { // The enrollment ID which uniquely identifies an identity ID string // Force delete Force bool // Name of the CA CAName string}// RevocationRequest defines the attributes required to revoke credentials with the CAtype RevocationRequest struct { // Name of the identity whose certificates should be revoked // If this field is omitted, then Serial and AKI must be specified. Name string // Serial number of the certificate to be revoked // If this is omitted, then Name must be specified Serial string // AKI (Authority Key Identifier) of the certificate to be revoked AKI string // Reason is the reason for revocation. See https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/ocsp // for valid values. The default value is 0 (ocsp.Unspecified). Reason string // CAName is the name of the CA to connect to CAName string}// RevocationResponse represents response from the server for a revocation requesttype RevocationResponse struct { // RevokedCerts is an array of certificates that were revoked RevokedCerts []RevokedCert // CRL is PEM-encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) that contains all unexpired revoked certificates CRL []byte}// RevokedCert represents a revoked certificatetype RevokedCert struct { // Serial number of the revoked certificate Serial string // AKI of the revoked certificate AKI string}
type Client struct { orgName string caName string ctx context.Client}func New(clientProvider context.ClientProvider, opts ...ClientOption) (*Client, error)
使用示例:ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}if c != nil { fmt.Println("msp client created")}// output:// msp client created
func (c *Client) CreateIdentity(request *IdentityRequest) (*IdentityResponse, error)
// Create msp clientc, err := New(mockClientProvider())if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}identity, err := c.CreateIdentity(&IdentityRequest{ID: "123", Affiliation: "org2", Attributes: []Attribute{ {Name: "attName1", Value: "attValue1"}}})if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Create identity return error %s\n", err) return}fmt.Printf("identity '%s' created\n", identity.ID)// output:// identity '123' created
func (c *Client) CreateSigningIdentity(opts ...mspctx.SigningIdentityOption) (mspctx.SigningIdentity, error)
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}testPrivKey := `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgp4qKKB0WCEfx7XiB5Ul+GpjM1P5rqc6RhjD5OkTgl5OhRANCAATyFT0voXX7cA4PPtNstWleaTpwjvbSJ3+tMGTG67f+TdCfDxWYMpQYxLlE8VkbEzKWDwCYvDZRMKCQfv2ErNvb-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`testCert := `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----`// Create signing identity based on certificate and private keyid, err := c.CreateSigningIdentity(msp.WithCert([]byte(testCert)), msp.WithPrivateKey([]byte(testPrivKey)))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed when creating identity based on certificate and private key: %s\n", err) return}if string(id.EnrollmentCertificate()) != testCert { fmt.Printf("certificate mismatch\n") return}// In this user case client might want to import keys directly into keystore// out of band instead of enrolling the user via SDK. User enrolment creates a cert// and stores it into local SDK user store, while user might not want SDK to manage certs.err = importPrivateKeyOutOfBand([]byte(testPrivKey), c)if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to import key: %s\n", err) return}// Create signing identity using certificate. SDK will lookup the private key based on the certificate.id, err = c.CreateSigningIdentity(msp.WithCert([]byte(testCert)))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed when creating identity using certificate: %s\n", err) return}if string(id.EnrollmentCertificate()) != testCert { fmt.Printf("certificate mismatch\n") return}fmt.Println("create signing identity is completed")// output:// create signing identity is completed
func (c *Client) Enroll(enrollmentID string, opts ...EnrollmentOption) error
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}err = c.Enroll(randomUsername(), WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err) return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed
func (c *Client) GetAllIdentities(options ...RequestOption) ([]*IdentityResponse, error)
// Create msp clientc, err := New(mockClientProvider())if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}results, err := c.GetAllIdentities()if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Get identities return error %s\n", err) return}fmt.Printf("%d identities retrieved\n", len(results))// output:// 2 identities retrieved
func (c *Client) GetIdentity(ID string, options ...RequestOption) (*IdentityResponse, error)
// Create msp clientc, err := New(mockClientProvider())if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}identity, err := c.GetIdentity("123")if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Get identity return error %s\n", err) return}fmt.Printf("identity '%s' retrieved\n", identity.ID)// output:// identity '123' retrieved
func (c *Client) GetSigningIdentity(id string) (mspctx.SigningIdentity, error)
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}username := randomUsername()err = c.Enroll(username, WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err) return}enrolledUser, err := c.GetSigningIdentity(username)if err != nil { fmt.Printf("user not found %s\n", err) return}if enrolledUser.Identifier().ID != username { fmt.Println("Enrolled user name doesn't match") return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed
func (c *Client) ModifyIdentity(request *IdentityRequest) (*IdentityResponse, error)
// Create msp clientc, err := New(mockClientProvider())if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}identity, err := c.ModifyIdentity(&IdentityRequest{ID: "123", Affiliation: "org2", Secret: "top-secret"})if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Modify identity return error %s\n", err) return}fmt.Printf("identity '%s' modified\n", identity.ID)// output:// identity '123' modified
func (c *Client) Reenroll(enrollmentID string, opts ...EnrollmentOption) error
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}username := randomUsername()err = c.Enroll(username, WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err) return}err = c.Reenroll(username)if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to reenroll user: %s\n", err) return}fmt.Println("reenroll user is completed")// output:// reenroll user is completed
func (c *Client) Register(request *RegistrationRequest) (string, error)
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}_, err = c.Register(&RegistrationRequest{Name: randomUsername()})if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Register return error %s\n", err) return}fmt.Println("register user is completed")// output:// register user is completed
func (c *Client) RemoveIdentity(request *RemoveIdentityRequest) (*IdentityResponse, error)
// Create msp clientc, err := New(mockClientProvider())if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}identity, err := c.RemoveIdentity(&RemoveIdentityRequest{ID: "123"})if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Remove identity return error %s\n", err) return}fmt.Printf("identity '%s' removed\n", identity.ID)// output:// identity '123' removed
func (c *Client) Revoke(request *RevocationRequest) (*RevocationResponse, error)
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}_, err = c.Revoke(&RevocationRequest{Name: "testuser"})if err != nil { fmt.Printf("revoke return error %s\n", err)}fmt.Println("revoke user is completed")// output:// revoke user is completed
type ClientOption func(*Client) error// WithOrg optionfunc WithOrg(orgName string) ClientOption
使用示例:ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx, WithOrg("org1"))if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}if c != nil { fmt.Println("msp client created with org")}// output:// msp client created with org
type enrollmentOptions struct { secret string profile string label string typ string attrReqs []*AttributeRequest}// EnrollmentOption describes a functional parameter for Enrolltype EnrollmentOption func(*enrollmentOptions) error// WithSecret enrollment optionfunc WithSecret(secret string) EnrollmentOption
使用示例:ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}err = c.Enroll(randomUsername(), WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err) return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed
type requestOptions struct { CA string}// RequestOption func for each Opts argumenttype RequestOption func(ctx context.Client, opts *requestOptions) error// WithCA allows for specifying optional CA namefunc WithCA(caname string) RequestOption
使用示例:// Create msp clientc, err := New(mockClientProvider())if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to create msp client") return}results, err := c.GetAllIdentities(WithCA("CA"))if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Get identities return error %s\n", err) return}fmt.Printf("%d identities retrieved\n", len(results))// output:// 2 identities retrieved
func WithType(typ string) EnrollmentOption
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil {fmt.Println("failed to create msp client")return}err = c.Enroll(randomUsername(), WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"), WithType("x509") /*or idemix, which is not support now*/)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err)return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed
func WithProfile(profile string) EnrollmentOption
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil {fmt.Println("failed to create msp client")return}err = c.Enroll(randomUsername(), WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"), WithProfile("tls"))if err != nil {fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err)return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed
func WithLabel(label string) EnrollmentOption
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil {fmt.Println("failed to create msp client")return}err = c.Enroll(randomUsername(), WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"), WithLabel("ForFabric"))if err != nil {fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err)return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed
func WithAttributeRequests(attrReqs []*AttributeRequest) EnrollmentOption
ctx := mockClientProvider()// Create msp clientc, err := New(ctx)if err != nil {fmt.Println("failed to create msp client")return}attrs := []*AttributeRequest{ {Name: "name1", Optional: true}, {Name: "name2", Optional: true}}err = c.Enroll(randomUsername(), WithSecret("enrollmentSecret"), WithAttributeRequests(attrs))if err != nil {fmt.Printf("failed to enroll user: %s\n", err)return}fmt.Println("enroll user is completed")// output:// enroll user is completed